nSilition LVDS IOs are silicon proven and highly programmable. They have been used in many different applications.
All our IOs includes the following features:

  • TIA/EIA644A LVDS and sub-LVDS compatibility
  • Operate up to 2.5V supply voltages
  • Robuste ESD and high latch up protections
  • All in ringĀ® technology allowing inclusion of your cells in the standard IO ring.

For lower supply voltages, low power LVDS cells have been developed, compatible with standard LVDS transceivers.

Technology RadTol Statussort ascending Product brief
LVDS bidirectional transceiver IO cell TSMC 40 LP No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS40LP_2V5_1V1_BIDIR_PB.pdf
LVDS transmitter cell TSMC 65 GP No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS65GP_2V5_1V0_TX_PB.pdf
LVDS transmitter cell TSMC 40 LP No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS40LP_2V5_1V1_TX_PB.pdf
LVDS receiver cell TSMC 65 GP No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS65GP_2V5_1V0_RX_PB.pdf
LVDS receiver cell TSMC 40 LP No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS40LP_2V5_1V1_RX_PB.pdf
LVDS IO cells library TSMC 65 GP No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS65GP_2V5_1V0_LIB_PB.pdf
LVDS IO cells library TSMC 40 LP No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS40LP_2V5_1V1_LIB_PB.pdf
IO cell combining an LVDS receiver, driver or transceiver with a double CMOS GPIO TSMC 65 GP No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS65GP_2V5_1V0_COMBO_PB.pdf
IO cell combining an LVDS receiver, driver or transceiver with a double CMOS GPIO TSMC 40 LP No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS40LP_2V5_1V1_COMBO_PB.pdf
LVDS bidirectional transceiver IO cell TSMC 65 GP No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS65GP_2V5_1V0_BIDIR_PB.pdf
LVDS bidirectional transceiver IO cell TSMC 65 LP No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS65LP_2V5_1V2_BIDIR_PB.pdf
LVDS transmitter cell TSMC 40 G No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS40G_2V5_0V9_TX_PB.pdf
LVDS receiver cell TSMC 40 G No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS40G_2V5_0V9_RX_PB.pdf
LVDS IO cells library TSMC 40 G No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS40G_2V5_0V9_LIB_PB.pdf
IO cell combining an LVDS receiver, driver or transceiver with a double CMOS GPIO TSMC 40 G No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS40G_2V5_0V9_COMBO_PB.pdf
LVDS bidirectional transceiver IO cell TSMC 40 G No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS40G_2V5_0V9_BIDIR_PB.pdf
LVDS transmitter cell TSMC 65 LP No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS65LP_2V5_1V2_TX_PB.pdf
LVDS receiver cell TSMC 65 LP No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS65LP_2V5_1V2_RX_PB.pdf
LVDS IO cells library TSMC 65 LP No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS65LP_2V5_1V2_LIB_PB.pdf
IO cell combining an LVDS receiver, driver or transceiver with a double CMOS GPIO TSMC 65 LP No Silicon proven PDF icon nSIO_TS65LP_2V5_1V2_COMBO_PB.pdf